Virtually Real Animated Posters Series
Role: Concepting, Art Direction, Graphic Design, Animation
Series of seven animated posters for the launch of Virtually Real, digital agency in Brooklyn, New York. I was excited to be commissioned by Costa, founder of VR to make a series of animated visuals to be projected during the launch party of the agency. After the theme was given to me this project, it was close to what one could call a “carte blanche”, the dream for every creative.
As the name Virtually Real suggest, the theme for this series evoked the common denominator surrounding keywords such as Virtual Realities, Retro Futurism, The Net, Windows 95 with a contemporary ode. The Internet of things, our current times but also the fantasies that the Internet created at its early stages, what’s real, what’s online, what’s unreal.

“It was Always Real -
It was Never Real”

“Call Now”
Surfing the web, the universe of gifs, the endless well of absurdity that like the cosmos seems to expands limitlessly. After a deep dive in the abyss of the imagery of the “early internet” years, the early 2000’s, my research led me towards old obsolete animation softwares. I’ve downloaded them and played around until finding interesting moments.
On top of the softwares my research also brought to my attention old techniques such as “slitscan effect” present in old race photographs, that and other old tools inspired a lot of the results in display here.After seeing a first past at visuals, I’ve requested copy to Costa which he delivered. In the end 5 posters resulted from this exciting creative exploration.

“Virtually Real Actually Here?”

Contrl Alt Delete Speaking in Tongues